Kaitlyn Battson Best in Show Youth 2022 ARBA Convention

2024 National Rex Show
April 19-21,2024 Belton, Texas Bell County Expo
TexasRex will host the 2024 National Rex Show at the Bell County Expo in Belton, Texas.
Belton is situated on I-35 just north of Austin and south of Dallas-Fort Worth.
Entry fees are $10 per rabbit and $2 for fur for the Saturday National Shows- $5 per rabbit and $1 for fur entries in Sunday's Specialty Shows. Entries are due no later than April 14th via Easy2Show.
Judges for the National Show will be Shane Ringdahl and Allen Rafferty for open and Chase Austin for youth. JOther judges may be added as needed.
We will host a welcome get together Friday evening. Watch for further details. Banquet cost is $25 and will be held at Schoepf's Old Time Pit BBQ. Cash bar will be available.
Look for updates on our Facebook Events Page: 2024 National Rex Rabbit Show

National Rex Rabbit Club members have two premier show events which draw seasoned Rex breeders and those just beginning their adventure with "The King of Rabbits" from all over the United States - The American Rabbit Breeders National Convention and the National Rex Show.
Both of the above shows are made possible by dedicated breeders from host clubs volunteering their talents and many man-hours to see to it that breeders from coast-to-coast have a venue to display beautiful Rex in all sixteen varieties - evidence for many, of years of dedicated breeding programs.