Kaitlyn Battson Best in Show Youth 2022 ARBA Convention

The club giving the show must contact the National Rex Rabbit Club, Inc. requesting permission to sanction Rex at least thirty (30) days before the show.
The full name of the sponsoring club, the town, state and date(2) must be given as well as the ARBA Sanction number.
A fee of $15.00 for Open and $7.00 for Youth must be forwarded with the sanction request.
The club giving the show must offer $3.00 for Best Rex and $2.00 for Best Opposite Rex (or rewards of equal or greater value), provided 10 or more Rex are shown in each competition. If less than 10 Rex are shown, payment of these specials will be at the discretion of the sponsoring club.
The sweepstakes offer must be stated in the show catalog or premium list showing the name of the club, secretary and address and yearly dues. A page from same must be returned with the sweepstakes report to the Sweepstakes Chairman.
The National Rex Rabbit Club, Inc. also offers to members a Certificate of Merit at the end of the sweepstakes year to the top five (5) winners of each variety and the top five (5) places in fur.
The report form provided must be filled out completely and returned to the Sweepstakes Chairman within thirty (30) days. If computer forms are sent in place of the report forms, the first page of the report form must be included, as well as, adding to the computer form the number of breeders and number of animals in each class and best opposites of variety. Names and addresses of exhibitors are very important. Members, please use only one consistent name when showing. Incomplete reports will be returned.
Partnerships must adhere to ARBA rulesfor partnerships and all rabbits in a partnership must be located at the same address. Co-ops are not recognized by the National Rex Rabbit Club, Inc.
Youth exhibitors who earn points in Open shows may add those points to their youth points. Youth members must inform the Sweepstakes Chairman directly by the beginning of the sweepstakes year if they want their points combined.
The Sweepstakes Year starts the day after the last day of an ARBA Convention through the last day of the next ARBA Convention.
A Rex sweepstakes system stimulates interest and competition among Rex Club breeders nationally. A member is granted points for Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety, Best Opposite of Variety and First through Fifth place in class, as well as White Fur and Colored Fur.
The total number of points earned by each member at sanctioned shows during the year is tabulated by the National Sweepstakes Chairman. The Sweepstakes year ends with the National ARBA Convention. The top ten members in the open standings and the top five in the youth standings at the end of the year, based on the total number of sweepstakes points earned, will each receive a trophy from the National Rex Rabbit Club.
Sweepstakes points to be valued as follows:
Bonus Points (If 5 rabbits / 3 exhibitors...)
Best in Show........................20 POINTS
Best of Breed.......................20 POINTS
Best Opposite Sex..............10 POINTS
Best of Variety.....................10 POINTS
Best Opposite of Variety.....5 POINTS
Class & Fur Points (No multiplier...)
1st Place...........................5 POINTS
2nd Place..........................4 POINTS
3rd Place...........................3 POINTS
4th Place...........................2 POINTS
5th Place...........................1 POINT
From the above information, a variety report, fur report, and average points per show report (minimum of 3 shows required in the average points report) will be constructed.
Certificates of merit will be awarded at the end of the sweepstakes year (ARBA Convention) to the top five (5) place winners of each variety, white and colored fur, average points per show and the quality standings.
Quality Point Report is based on the following (If 5 rabbits / 3 exhibitors...)
Best in Show.................................4 POINTS
Best Reserve or Best 4 Class......3 POINTS
Best of Breed...............................2 POINTS
Best Opposite of Breed..............1 POINT