Kaitlyn Battson Best in Show Youth 2022 ARBA Convention

Welcome to the National Rex Rabbit Club or NRRC website. Here you will find information on the the "King of Rabbits" as this beautiful rabbit breed is known.
The Rex is a popular breed bringing together the best of both worlds - commercial and fancy and as such is a popular choice for many backyard rabbit enthusiasts. Having a maximum weight allowance of 9.5 lbs (bucks) and 10.5 lbs (does), Rex are classed as commercial-type rabbits, with their meat producing qualities, but are in the 1/3 of commercial breeds classified as a four-class breed (Junior bucks & does and Senior bucks & does). The crowning glory of the "King of Rabbits" is its unique fur structure which is the hallmark of the breed. Compared to "normal furred" rabbits, the Rex coat is short and plush - standing upright with the guard hairs nearly the same length as the undercoat. Rex first made their way to the United States around 1924 from France and were the result of a genetic mutation that appeared in two individual rabbits in a herd located in the Coulonge commune in Northwestern France. Breeders in this country have come a long way since then, in improving the type and fur of the original imported animals.
There are 16 different varieties or groups accepted in Rex in the United States today: Amber, Black, Blue, Broken Pattern, Californian, Castor, Chinchilla, Chocolate, Lilac, Lynx, Opal, Otter Group, Red, Sable, Seal, and White. Rex are in the top three of commercial breeds shown in the United States.
The NRRC, founded in 1958, boasts members across the USA, Canada, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Australia. NRRC members have the privilege of competing in the annual sweepstakes contest which measures, to a degree, the success of members exhibiting at local, state, and national all-breed and Rex specialty shows. A list of upcoming shows, important events, and NRRC submission deadlines, etc. can be found on the Calendar page of this website.
Looking for a breeder near you? Please feel free to access our directory of breeders, a listing that includes name, rabbitry name, city, state, e-mail, and website link, if applicable, is available for a modest fee to all NRRC members.
We hope this website answers most of your questions, but our officers and directors are available to answer any questions you may have.