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In order to best maintain a uniform appearance and provide consistency for all NRRC members wishing to participate in the NRRC Royal Rex promotion, we ask all submissions be subject to the following guidelines...


  • Owner of the Rex must be a current member of NRRC.

  • Rex must have been awarded Best in Show, Reserve in Show, or Best 4 Class at a NRRC sanctioned Rex show or have earned a Grand Champion Certificate. We apologize, but at this time no Best of Breed, Best Opposite of Breed, or Variety winners can be accepted. Best of Breed and Best Opposite of Breed winners from the National Rex Show or ARBA National Convention are recognized on the Events page. Youth members who win Best of Breed or Best Opposite at either an ARBA sanctioned show or 4-H show can have that win documented on the NRRC Youth page.

  • Photos submitted must be digital (no scans) and of good resolution (200 pixels per square inch). Please do NOT crop, resize, or otherwise alter photos with any photo editing software.

  • Please do not send photos that include people, trophies, ribbons, etc... just the Rex

  • Please submit photos as soon as possible for maximum exposure on the website. At the NRRC Sectary's discretion, in order to keep the NRRC website content fresh, older photos will be rotated out periodically as new photos come in.

Wish to submit via email? You can download, fill, and send the form to!

Royal Rex Online Submission

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